Packing my pillow for any sort of travel would of been the last thing I ever thought I would be doing. You see I’m generally the person that under packs, that’s right, I under pack. When I pack my bag I have to add things as opposed to taking things out.
So, how did I become a pillow packer?
It started about five years ago… when I made a girlfriend a bag for her pillow – she has always been a pillow packer. I could never understand why you would be bothered to lug a big awkward pillow around – but that’s what she did for years.
Anyway soon after making her bag, I started making them for other friends, then it was friends of friends. Before long the kids wanted them for sleepovers, school camps and scouts.
Time to give it a try!
To my surprise I found it very easy to travel with my big latex pillow in a SleepKeeper pillow bag, no awkwardness at all. It rolled up smaller and easily slipped onto my luggage leaving my hands free, then I effortlessly carried it onto the plane.
Remarkably the best result came after the first night’s sleep, I couldn’t believe how much sounder I slept… you know when you’re away and those first couple of nights you toss and turn… I always believed it was because of the strange bed you were in. Not anymore.
There’s no comparison, WOW, I mean I was totally shocked that your own pillow could make such a difference. To not only how well you slept but the next day too.
I have come to realise – it’s all about your pillow and not the bed!
So I challenge you, if you’re not a pillow packer and want to be, grab yourself a SleepKeeper (I now have someone else making them) and discover the next level in comfort with YOUR own comfy pillow. We ship worldwide and we can guarantee you won’t be disappointed.
Many thanks extremely beneficial. Will certainly share site with my pals.